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What Type of Eyeglasses Should You Wear? 553 lượt xem

What Type of Eyeglasses Should You Wear?

If you wondered through your dreamy eyes why your parents shouted at you for watching the T.V. from up so close when you were a child, the pair of thick rimmed, heavy eyeglasses is the reason for it. Now, be honest. When you walk up to the mirror wearing the most stunning dress and sporting the wild yet willowy grace that is every man’s desire, do you not feel the stab of disappointment to see those deeply gorgeous eyes hidden behind the spectacles?

Well, a man may wear off in his persistence to keep his principles alive, but his habits will never recede to the shades. If it is your habit to wear eyeglasses, there is no way that you could switch to contacts and be satisfied with them. You will hate to poke your eye balls with your fingers, and the very thought of having two rubber flaps pasted onto your eyes will send you to shivers.

Who said that it is not advisable to wear eye glasses to a party? You can wear anything to a party, Women Sunglasses provided it celebrates the occasion rather than depreciate it. This means that as long as you can pull something off, all is allowed in a public gathering. You just have to grab for yourself the pair of glasses that could suit you the most. If that agrees well with your face, you can treat it as just another fashion accessory at a party. But how to realize which styles can suit you the best? How do you know which rims to settle for to set every man’s heart racing- which will not hide your eyes, but would reveal their dramatic daze?

• There are many retail stores from where you can get your eye glasses, and in each one of them, you will find at least a hundred of different spectacles lined up in a proud array. They all will be good to look at, but since there are so many of them, it will definitely be difficult to decide which one to buy.

• Then again, you can go shopping online, and browse through the collections of eyeglasses available on the net. But as in the retail stores you could try them all out, on net that would be completely impossible. You will not be able to decide whether those pairs will suit you or not. But some websites offer the “try-it-on” option, where you can upload a picture of yourself, and then keep on matching the eyeglasses from the collection available to see how they can look on your face in real life.

• You can even consult an eyewear professional and you will be informed that the face of people could be related to any one of the seven types. Each facial type will need different eyeglasses to make one look truly beautiful. You have to find out which type the facial features of yours closely resemble, and then decide on the frame of glasses you should settle with. For example, if you have a round face, sharp, angular frames will look the nicest on you. If your face is as square as a box, you will do well with a round frame. And anyone with oblong face will look even more striking in frames that thicken down from the top to the bottom.

• Comfort is the key point that you need to remember when you buy your spectacles. Some of them sit so tight on the bridge of your nose that they leave behind red-scorched marks that look ugly. These frames are generally made of plastic, but that does not mean that plastic frames should be avoided. Some of them are even designed by popular companies, and they do not break easily when they fall.

The main issue to remember is that you choose the pair that makes you look like Cinderella and not one of her step-sisters. So go and buy the best pair of eyeglasses that you can find, and look dazzlingly spectacular.

Đăng bởi: Sabi

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