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How to deal with annoying problems of tourist high season in Vietnam 789 lượt xem

As you know Vietnam s one of the most favorite destinations in Asia besides Laos, Cambodia, Thailand,… thanks to the amazing landscape with the diversity of culture. So Vietnam welcomes lots of international tourists all year round. But the more people come to Vietnam, the more problems you might get. So what are Vietnam travel season problems and how to deal with them, I will tell you in this post. I’m sure that you will find some problems that you have never thought about.

1. Vietnam travel season

Actually the high time of Vietnam travel season of foreign tourists lasts from middle of September to April. You might notice that some people say the peak season is in July and August, but actually it’s only high for domestic market. From May to September is the summer in Vietnam, children have vacation so families tend to have a holiday together. Plus the weather of this time is not preferable for most foreign tourist. This Vietnam travel time experiences lots of storms, rains with humid and boiling hot climate.

However, if your Vietnam travel season is in low period of tourist, you will have lots of benefits then. First of all, all agencies and vendors know that this time is low for Vietnam travel season so they tend to push their services with various promotions and discounts. For example, you can stay at 3 star hotel with top-quality services and you only have to pay 25% less than usual.

 Last but not least, fewer people in popular sites. You might feel confused because I told that the low season for foreign travelers is the high season for domestic ones. Actually, this situation is only lasts from June to the beginning of August. After this time, schools open so there is almost no family vacation anymore. And you can enjoy low tourists areas, spacious beaches and don’t have to wait for eternal line at the airport.But today we are talking about problems and solutions for high season only. So let’s get started!

2. Vietnam travel season – The crowds

This is the most common problem for anyone who goes in high time for Vietnam travel season. You have to find your way to cross the crowd in peaceful Hoi An or just take a photos more than 20 times because strangers keep showing up in your photos. Moreover, you also waste lots of time in line. An eternal line at the airport will beat you down or makes you feel starving while waiting for food. And all of these can ruin your vacation.

But I already have plan for traveling to Vietnam in peak season, so what can you do in this situation? My idea is that if you can’t choose the day, just pick the time. Instead of waking up at 9 am for breakfast and walking around, you can set the alarm sooner. I had to wake up at 6 and get prepared for taking great photos in Hoi An at 7 and 8 am. At that time, the ancient town is really peaceful. No stores are open and only few locals around the town. And the morning sunshine was really beautiful for photos.

The same with the lines. You can go to the airport sooner or have dinner sooner. With Vietnam travel season in high time, you should do your things at the time that no one of less people do the same things. It’s a little difficult for you to get ready sooner than usual but you can take rest later when people are hustling to take a check-in photos at some famous places.

3. Vietnam travel season – High season, high costs

Hotels don’t need any advertisement for attracting tourist anymore and they will raise the cost of any services. This is because at high season, customers come to them for their needs. Not only hotel but also flights, food reach flying price. And I’m sure that it’s not friendly with your budget.But everything has solution. If you make sure about the time for your trip, book services in advance. It’s quite risky for you to book flights and hotels months in advance, but you totally have better price than book 2 weeks before. And as you know the sooner you book your flights, the cheaper price you get. So take any chance to save money for your trip because you have to pay for other services in Vietnam that you can’t reserve beforehand.

Read more Vietnam travel season 

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